Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Looks like it's deja vu all over again

My last entry was about losing a client and in that post I mentioned that the company has assured those of us who worked on that account that we would have plenty of work to do.

Hmm...why is it this looks an awful lot like a very, very bad time back in 2000, where the company had lost a contract and there was very little work to go around? All of sudden, I was making about 2/3 of what I usually made. That translates to a LOT when you're trying to put food on the table. It was pretty rough for a time until new clients were brought in.

I'm not supposed to be working less and less and making less. Bad, bad, bad. Of course, less work means less time sitting in my desk incurring pain (I have severe osteoarthritis in both knees) which is good, but less work is less money. So far this week since the loss of the contract, I have worked about 50% less hours and even less pages than normal. I'm getting less files per day to work on. Assignments usually go out around noon each day and I try to get half of the assignment done that afternoon and then finish the other half the next morning. Deadline isn't until 5:00 p.m. the next day. However, I'm finishing all my work in the afternoon it's assigned and having my mornings free.

There we go with the love-hate thing again. I like having the mornings free...except I won't like it when next month's paycheck arrives.

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